当前检索式 ((ALL:Philipp Khaitovich))
限定条件 ((出处:Nature) AND (作者:Britta Velten分Britta Velten) AND (作者:James M. A. turner分James M. A. turner) AND (作者:Kelly Asceno分Kelly Ascenção) AND (作者:Matthew Mort分Matthew Mort) AND (作者:Philipp Khaitovich分Philipp Khaitovich) AND (作者:Amir Fallahshahroudi) AND (作者:Angélica liechti) AND (作者:Britta Velten) AND (作者:David N. cooper) AND (作者:Delphine Valloton) AND (作者:Henrik Kaessmann) AND (文献类型:期刊论文))
Amir Fallahshahroudi 1 Angélica liechti 1 Britta Velten 1
David N. cooper 1 Delphine Valloton 1 Henrik Kaessmann 1
James M. A. turner 1 Jean Halbert 1 John . VandeBerg 1
Julie Baker 1 Keith Harshman 1 Kelly Ascenção 1
Margarida cardoso-Mo 1 Matthew Mort 1 Michael J. Soares 1
Miguel carneiro 1 Paula G. Ferreira 1 Pavel V. Mazin 1
Per Jensen 1 Philipp Khaitovich 1