当前检索式 ((ALL:Zhang))
限定条件 ((专题:农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室))
兽类学报 26 应用昆虫学报 25 Integrative Zoology 23
昆虫学报 18 Insect Science 17 Scientific Reports 13
Forest Ecology and M 10 Physiology & Behavio 10 生态学报 10
IntegratIve Zoology 9 Journal of Insect Ph 9 Molecular Ecology 9
动物学杂志 9 生物多样性 9 Proceedings of the R 8
Chemical Senses 7 Chinese Science Bull 7 Journal of Chemical 7
Molecular Ecology No 7 Acta Oecologica-Inte 6